I haven't blogged lately because I've been SO busy with school and traveling! It's insane! I dont even have time to write in my journal which is upsetting.
Since my first school trip to Naples the first weekend of February, I have traveled EVERY weekend! So fun, exciting, and amazing experience, but SOO exhausting!! Is it bad that to say that I'm sick of traveling? those words came out of my mouth yesterday afternoon. I just got back from Amsterdam yesterday morning and Brad, my friend from auburn skype messaged me and said "Im so ready for florence this weekend" I literally was like again?! I have to travel again? I just got home!! and I really couldn't believe I said it! Im getting sick at the moment so Im just sick and tired and school wears me out because we only have 4 days to pull out these great designs they want to see and it makes me nervous because obviously everything I've done they hate...which doesn't make me want to push harder! We have mid-term reviews next week which makes me want to jump out of a window because they compare me to all these architecture students when I have NO idea what the architecture students are talking about....could it be because I dont care?, Im not interested?, I have no focus in school?

So my first trip was to Naples, then I went to Interlaken, Switzerland, then to Venice and Verona, then to Milan and Amsterdam!!! Wow that is a lot of places in one month!! This coming weekend I'm going to Florence then the weekend after that I go to Barcelona!! Then it's Spring Break! I have plans for spring break as I think but I cant tell them until there booked! Im really excited though!
I have learned so much about myself already and a huge part of that was this past weekend when I traveled with 4 girls from the new york, new jersey area. I cant explain on here so ill explain in email to those of you who even care! haha
Everyday I walk to and from school alone which gives me some good thinking time... I dread the walk more and more each day. Its gets longer everytime and you would think it would get shorter.
The food gets better and better everyday and every trip I take...Ive gained so much weight its not even funny!
I miss my friends and family so much! I think about you all everyday!!
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